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Database Info

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This project uses InfluxDB (version 1.8.X) to retain measurements. InfluxDB 1.8 documentation can be found here.

InfluxDB is installed natively in the custom Raspberry Pi OS image as of v0.3.0 (previously, it was ran in a Docker container). The data are stored in the default path of /var/lib/influxdb/.

Visualization of the data is done separately with a dashboard software called Grafana. The Grafana documentation can be found here. Grafana goes through development changes rather quickly, so make sure you’re looking at the version of the documentation that matches the version you are actually running.


If you’re familiar with relational SQL tables, Influx is similar in that data are arranged into several “measurements”, which are just like SQL tables, with their own columns. In InfluxDB, columns have two types: fields and tags. In general, you query for a field, and you can optionally filter by a tag (and/or a timestamp). A single record in a measurement is called a Point.

One major difference in InfluxDB is on the subject of retention policies. An entire measurement is associated with a retention policy, and to query data from a measurement associated to a specific retention policy, you must specify the retention policy name in addition to the measurement name. There are examples of this below in the CLI Access section.

Database Measurement Structure
Measurement Name Retention Policy Fields Tags Purpose
home_load autogen current, power   The amperage and power your home needs to run.
solar autogen current, power, pf   The amperage, power, and power factor of your production sources.
net autogen current, power status The amperage and power flowing either to or from the grid.
raw_cts autogen current, power, pf ct For each CT, the amperage, power, and power factor as measured by that CT.
voltages autogen voltage v_input The calculated grid voltage as measured by the voltage input.
home_load_5m rp_5min current, power   The 5 minute average of amperage and power that your home needs to run.
home_energy_5m rp_5min energy   The 5 minute sum of energy that your home used, in kilowatt-hours.
net_power_5m rp_5min current, power   The 5 minute average amperage, and power, flowing either to or from the grid.
net_energy_5m rp_5min energy    
solar_power_5m rp_5min power, current    
solar_energy_5m rp_5min energy    
ct1_power_5m rp_5min power, current    
ct1_energy_5m rp_5min energy    
ct2_power_5m rp_5min power, current    
ct2_energy_5m rp_5min energy    
ct3_power_5m rp_5min power, current    
ct3_energy_5m rp_5min energy    
ct4_power_5m rp_5min power, current    
ct4_energy_5m rp_5min energy    
ct5_power_5m rp_5min power, current    
ct5_energy_5m rp_5min energy    
ct6_power_5m rp_5min power, current    
ct6_energy_5m rp_5min energy    

Data Retention and Continuous Queries

The “high resolution” data - or the data that get calculated roughly once a second - create hundreds of thousands of Points in a single day, across all the different measurements. While this is great to see high resolution data in real time, it’s not so great when trying to look at multiple days, weeks, or even years at a time. InfluxDB provides two mechanisms to solve this issue: retention policies, and continuous queries.

As of v0.3.0, this project uses the following RPs and CQs:

Retention Policies

Purpose Policy Name Duration
Default - holds the high-res data autogen 30 days
Long-term RP - holds the 5 minute downsamples rp_5min forever

Deleting a retention policy will delete all of the data associated to it!

Continuous Queries

These continuous queries will automatically down sample the high resolution data into 5 minute intervals. The results of the downsampling get stored in a new measurement that is associated to the rp_5min retention policy.

To look at the data from the downsampled results, you must specify the retention policy name in the query! Example: SELECT SUM(energy) from rp_5min.home_energy_5m where time >= now() - 1d;

Purpose CQ Name Measurement Name Results go into rp_name . measurement_name
Home Power - Average cq_home_power_5m home_load_5m rp_5min.home_load_5m
Home Energy - Sum cq_home_energy_5m home_energy_5m rp_5min.home_energy_5m
Net Power - Average cq_net_power_5m net_power_5m rp_5min.net_power_5m
Net Energy - Sum cq_net_energy_5m net_energy_5m rp_5min.net_energy_5m
Solar Power - Average cq_solar_power_5m solar_power_5m rp_5min.solar_power_5m
Solar Energy - Sum cq_solar_energy_5m solar_energy_5m rp_5min.solar_energy_5m
Individual CT Power - Average cq_ct#_power_5m ct#_power_5m rp_5min.ct#_power_5m (where # is the channel number)
Individual CT Energy - Sum cq_ct#_energy_5m ct#_energy_5m rp_5min.ct#_energy_5m (where # is the channel number)

CLI Access

To get into the InfluxDB command line, simply type influx at your terminal prompt.

Use the following command and flags to go straight into the power monitor database, with human readable timestamps: influx -precision rfc3339 -database power_monitor

Here are some example queries that demonstrate usage of the retention policies, measurements, fields, and tags described above.

InfluxDB Query Examples

By default, all data is stored into the Influx database in UTC time. This means that to get accurate results from your CLI queries, you’ll need to specify the timezone with the TZ() function. See the official list of timezones and find the TZ identifier from the list that corresponds to your timezone.

  1. Get the maximum amperage from CT1 over the last 3 days.

    select max(current) from raw_cts where ct = '1' and time >= now() - 3d TZ('America/Los_Angeles');
    Sample Output (click to expand):
    name: raw_cts
    time                     max
    ----                     ---
    2023-02-20T04:30:04.107Z 28.84763731367289

    The unit for max in this query is amperes (A).

  1. Get the total energy produced from all production CTs from February 20, 2023.

    select sum(energy) from rp_5min.solar_energy_5m where time >= '2022-02-20 00:00:00' and time <= '2022-02-20 23:59:00' GROUP BY TIME(1d) TZ('America/Los_Angeles')
    Sample Output (click to expand):
    name: solar_energy_5m
    time                      sum
    ----                      ---
    2023-02-20T00:00:00-08:00 49.751555818786514

    The unit for sum in this query is kilowatt-hours (kWh).

  1. Get the total energy imported for the month of January 2023.

    select sum(energy) from rp_5min.net_energy_5m where energy > 0 and time >= '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and time < '2023-02-01 00:00:00' TZ('America/Los_Angeles')
    Sample Output (click to expand):
    name: net_energy_5m
    time                      sum
    ----                      ---
    2023-01-01T00:00:00-08:00 650.1330642174386

    The unit for sum in this query is kilowatt-hours (kWh).

  1. Get the average daily home power draw for the last 7 days.

    select mean(power) from rp_5min.home_load_5m where time >= now() - 7d GROUP BY time(1d) TZ('America/Los_Angeles')
    Sample Output (click to expand):
    name: home_load_5m
    time                      mean
    ----                      ----
    2023-02-14T00:00:00-08:00 1362.6262039071523
    2023-02-15T00:00:00-08:00 1378.8063124919058
    2023-02-16T00:00:00-08:00 1500.676864039368
    2023-02-17T00:00:00-08:00 1668.0716463994613
    2023-02-18T00:00:00-08:00 1553.348705943601
    2023-02-19T00:00:00-08:00 1344.7927897131085
    2023-02-20T00:00:00-08:00 1417.371858485695
    2023-02-21T00:00:00-08:00 1440.8402693540943

    The unit for mean in this query is Watts (W).

    Since this sample query uses now() - 7d as the time filter, we know it will always fall within the 30 day window in which the high resolution data is stored. So, it would have been perfectly valid to query from home_load instead of from rp_5min.home_load_5m, but, it would have been significantly more computationally expensive, as the high resolution data in home_load has nearly 2 million more data points than the home_load_5m measurement does over the same time interval!

     > select count(power) from home_load where time >= now() - 7d;
     name: home_load
     time                           count
     ----                           -----
     2023-02-15T02:53:39.664580542Z 1988332
     > select count(power) from rp_5min.home_load_5m where time >= now() - 7d;
     name: home_load_5m
     time                           count
     ----                           -----
     2023-02-15T02:53:50.707123813Z 2014


InfluxDB includes a built in command-line backup mechanism. I have incorporated this functionality into a backup script included with this project, which automatically backs up your Influx data and power monitor configuration, and stores it on an external USB flash drive. See Enabling Automatic Backups for more info.

For the native InfluxDB backup mechanism, see the official docs below: